Fully functional Die Cast Womans Bicycle, Measures 5 in tall by 8 in long, Pedal the pedals and the rear
wheel spins, squeeze the hand brakes and it stops. Scale 1:10 Price $23.00

Womans Pink/Lavendar
Fully functional Die Cast Womans Bicycle, Measures 5 in tall by 7 3/4 inch long, Pedal the pedals and the rear wheel spins,
squeeze the hand brakes and it stops. Scale 1:10 Price $23.00 Available in Blue, Green & Pink colors

Fully functional Die Cast Mens Bicycle, Measures 5 in tall by 8 in long, Pedal the pedals and the rear wheel spins, squeeze
the hand brakes and it stops. Scale 1:10 Price $23.00

Mens Bicycle Red & White
Mountain Bicycle, Measures 5 in tall by 9 in long, Shocks below the seat really work, Pedal the pedals and the rear wheel
spins, squeeze the hand brakes and it stops.. Excellent Detail, Bike is Red, Wheels are silver, Handlebars & Seat are
Black, Stands on its own kickstand, Scale 1:10 Price $24.99
