Fishing Pole/Reel Combo Desk Clock Measures 4 1/2in length by 2 3/4in height, Clock is located on the face of the reel, Mfr
Beyond America, Quartz displayed on face of clock Price $20.00

35mm Camera Clock. Measures 2 1/2in length by 1 3/4in height by 1 1/2in depth, Clock is located on the face, Mfr Oscar, Quartz
displayed on face of clock. Price $20.00

Red Dice Miniature Clock. Measures 1 1/16 in length by 1 1/16 in height, Clock is located on the face, Mfr
Beyond America, Quartz displayed on face of clock, Item on clearance, has 2 nicks in paint Price $10.00

Sewing Machine Desk Clock Measures 3 1/4in length by 2 1/2in height, Clock is located on the face of the
reel, Wheel spins, needle lifts, Mfr Xanadu, Quartz displayed on face of clock, Color is Gunmetal with Gold Trim Price

Miniature Church Clock. Measures 1 3/8 in length by 2 3/4 in height, Clock is located on the front of the Church, Mfr Beyond
America,Quartz displayed on face of clock. Price $20.00
